All code projects I’ve worked on, in reverse chronological order. Post 2011 projects are private and on Github.


Rowz - Enterprise knowledge aggregation and search A social search engine built for Yahoo’s Open Hackday 2009 Improve developer productivity. Users could build a repository from search results and web snippets, combines custom repository search with traditional web search, and explores a new approach to knowledge aggregation, building on top of a search engine.


Moffe - My Own FriendFeed Emulator A personal Twitter hack and friend feed emulator. Allows posting to Twitter, Readers can comment on macro blogs (tweets), Shared links’ content gets federated directly onto the page. Combines elements of Twitblogs, FriendFeed, RSS, and a dashboard

More Y! - Search for Widescreens A hack on top of the Yahoo BOSS API for better widescreen search results, showing 50 results at once for longtail queries. Horizontally orders results for better widescreen experience Available as a plugin for Firefox and IE7 Motivation: Addressing the inefficient use of screen real estate on widescreen displays

Quot Project A hack on top of the WordPress API for easy quote sharing. Share quotes on the web using a single click, Uses JavaScript and XML-RPC, Publishes to a multi-authored Quot blog


Literatti - Multi User blogging platform A multi-user blogging platform built during Innofest 08’s all-night coding marathon. Authors can write articles. Articles feature on the home page and personalized pages. Includes comments, email article functionality, and RSS feeds


Non-profit corporation partnering with school clubs, NGOs, and tribal villagers for reforestation to address climate crisis. Goal: Reforest one-sixth of the ice-free land area of the earth. Features: Engagement portal for patrons, donations, & photo sharing. Technologies: J2EE, iBatis, Struts

Analyzing Emergent Patterns in Wordnet using Spectral Analysis Extracting and studying the noun-noun graph in WordNet, analyzing emergent patterns using spectral analysis. Purpose: Compare features between syntactic and semantic networks in the real world. Technologies: Python, MatLab, Java (WordNet interface)

DebugAdvisor - A Recommender System for Debugging Search tool to improve debugging productivity in large software development projects. Allows programmers to search using a “fat query” containing contextual information about the bug. Technologies: .NET technology stack

Microtasks - A platform for task-centered collaboration Web-based collaboration framework to simplify multi-user web collaboration. Similar to mTurk by Amazon but built internally for eval tasks in Microsoft. Technologies: .NET technology stack


Normative/Incentive system for Content Aggregation on Online Forums Design a system of norms and incentives for knowledge aggregation on online forums using multi-agent modelling. Mechanism design to increase forum activity and prevent network saturation. Technologies: JADE - Java Agent Development Environment

Collapse (COLLAborative ecliPSE) Eclipse plugin integrating developer search into the IDE. Problem/warning-based search results, ability to tag results, & helps building a repository of solutions. Technologies: J2EE, Yahoo BOSS Search API

Silverfish Web-based semantic extraction engine for academic documents. Search, upload, and maintain academic papers; find related papers; get updates on latest papers. Technologies: PHP, PERL, CURL, MySQL Paper presented at COMAD 2009, IIT-Bombay

BBTM Protein Prediction using Cell BE Implementation of TMB-Hunt algorithm for Beta-barrel trans-membrane protein prediction on Sony Playstation GPUs. Technologies: C, Cell/BE SDK 3.0, Perl, Linux

The BigKahuna Framework for distributed map-reduce solver over HTTP. Key Feature: Turns browsers into worker nodes without download/install overheads. Technologies: JAVA/J2EE (resin), JavaScript (prototype), AJAX, MySQL Winner of Google’s Product Prodigy Competition 2009.

Ecotechzone - Energy Management System Commercial project for controlling remote electro-mechanical equipment (remote street lights in Bangalore) via the web to conserve energy and save time for electrical workers. Technologies: Java, SMSlib (AT-COMMANDS), Tomcat, MySQL


Model Discovery - inferred grammars Learning-automata based technique for model discovery using Shortest Run Generalization Algorithm. Given a language with many sentences, this project tries to infer a bottom-up grammar for it. Technologies: Java, GraphViz-dotty

Bloomberg Terminal Emulator Commercial project to create a Mock Bloomberg terminal for testing applications that connect to the Bloomberg terminal. This was a consulting project for a client who built software for hedge funds. Technologies: C# and sockets

2006 Online social network closed friend networks, real-time chat, messaging, photos etc. It supported over 3k users at its peak. Technologies: J2EE (resin), AJAX, MySQL


Dzine Software design utility for creating UML diagrams, ER models, and code generation. Features: Use case diagrams, interaction diagrams, class diagrams, ER modeling, deployment diagrams, code generation, reverse engineering class diagrams from Code. Technologies: VB.NET

People Concerns Process-centric issue management system developed for Sonata Software Ltd. Features: Query/Issue Management, complete issue lifecycle tracking, reporting. Technologies: ASP 4.0, MS SQL Server 2000, IIS


Remote Task Manager Network surveillance software for monitoring and controlling remote UNIX clients. Technologies: QT (Quick Tool), Linux

Organizer Web-based messaging and personal diary equivalent. Technologies: CGI/Perl, MySQL database

JCad (Java Computer Aided Designing tool) AutoCAD-like tool for architects to produce computer-aided designs and blueprints. Technologies: Java

Graphics editor: Graphics editor similar to MS Paint, with GUI developed using C graphics libraries. Technologies: C++, Windows


Text editor: Screen/text editor with features similar to Notepad. Technologies: C, Ncurses library, Linux